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Pressure Injection Cell 压力注射池
Pressure Injection Cell 压力注射池是一款简单实用的毛细管柱填充工具。一方面可以用于向不同内径的毛细管柱填充固相分离颗粒,也可以用于从微量离心管里直接向质谱仪加注样品。既能获得更好的LC/MS分析结果,也能节省实验费用。
Pressure Injection Cell 压力注射池的工作原理类似于用手在果汁盒上施加压力时果汁会从吸管流出。在注射池内腔里放置样品管,毛细管从内腔密封盖的密封环里插入到样品管里。填充前,在毛细管的远端安装一个多孔堵头,避免填充物流出毛细管。可以将压力注射池放置到磁力搅拌器上,保证样品管内的填充物均匀分布。然后将高压气瓶连接到压力注射池上,调节压力可以控制填充物进入毛细管的流速。
样品腔示意图 样品腔适用的样品管
用户对Pressure Injection Cell的评价: "We are very happy with the performance of our Next Advance pressure cell. Here are two representative total ion chromatograms generated from a capillary column using sub 2 micron, C18 particles and analyzed on a UPLC. As you can see the peak width is around 15 sec or less. We are getting this kind of resolution routinely from the columns packed by your pressure cell" Dr. Austin Yang, University of Maryland
Dr. Kimberly McKinney, Carolinas Medical Center, North Carolina
"The pressure injection cell is really handy. I have two in my lab, one for packing capillaries and one for loading samples in my mass spec. Packing my own capillaries saves me hundreds of dollars on each one." Dr. Qishan Lin, Director of the Proteomics Core Facility The Center for Functional Genomics, University at Albany, New York
Dr. Steve Mouton, Northrop Grumman Proteomics, Texas |